How to Sew a Kimono Top or Jacket

If you’re in need of a stylish yet cool top to upgrade your wardrobe for the upcoming summer season, then you may like this blog post and free Jacket Kimono pattern. I personally stitched this one up last summer and already have plans to make a few Men’s Kimono Jacket and women’s kimono top.

The top is so easy to make, the hardest part will be hemming the lightweight fabric but once it gets completed it will look cool at the same time.

To make one top you’re going to need-
1. 2 yards of 45’’ wide lightweight printed fabric like a voile or light rayon. If you buy 60’’ wide material you’re going to just need to cut it down.
2. An old t-shirt that fits your well, make sure it is not a slim fit.
3. Chalk and a ruler
4. Rolled hem foot for your machine if you have one
Here are the steps:

Step #1- Create your custom pattern piece
Fold the fabric in half lengthwise. It should be 45’’ long and 30’’ tall because it is folded from the top and the selvage edges on each end.

Find the center portion of the fabric and mark it with a piece of chalk. Fold you t-short in half and place the fold on the center mark of the fabric, the neckline of the tee even with the fold on the top of the kimono fabric. To get an idea of kimono top look, explore Cheap Techwear Brands clothing section online.
Take the help of a ruler and chalk, measure in 5’’ from the edge of your folded t-shirt. Draw a line then measure down 3’’ from the bottom of the sleeve of the tee and draw another line on it.

Step #2- Cut your fabric
Cut the kimono fabric away. Take the cutaway piece and use it to cut a another piece. Exactly in the same size on the other side of the fabric. Next, with a scissor, cut ‘ONE’ layer of the fabric along the center line up to the fold. Do not cut both layers of the material, just cut the top.

Step #3- Sew the Kimono top
With the right sides of the fabric stitch the underarm seams. Press seams open.

Step #4- Hem your Fabric
Now, at last you need to do is to hem all of the raw edges of the fabric. I prefer to use a rolled hem foot to complete this sewing step. In case if you don’t have then fold the material over 1/8’’ and fold it again 1/8’’ and start stitching along the folded edge
Tip- If you’re facing a problem using hemming the lightweight fabric, try using a microtex needle. It’s very sharp and will help the machine ‘punch’ through the lightweight fabric more easily.
If you don’t want to get involve in stitching these types of stylish clothes. Visit Aesthetic Homage to buy techwear fashion including Tactical Cargo Pants, shoes, sneakers, bags, shirts and Japanese traditional kimono’s also.


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